As New Mill Baptist Church, we aim to be good news people.
We seek to:
- Glorify God
- Grow in Grace
- Go with Good News
New Mill Baptist Church is affiliated to the Baptist Union of Great Britain, the Central Baptist Association and Churches Together in Tring.
As Baptists we believe that Jesus, as revealed in the Bible, is the ultimate authority for our church. We believe that the normative entry into the Christian faith involves Baptism as an outward sign of an inward decision to follow Jesus. We believe that the church exists to share the love of God and the message of Jesus with the world in the power of the Holy Spirit. We believe that the church should be made up of people who are like-minded in their decision to follow Jesus and continue his mission and that these people, when gathered together, can discern God’s plans for his church. For the Baptist Union Statement of Faith visit
As Evangelicals we believe that the Bible is fully reliable as a guide for correct belief and behaviour. We believe that becoming a Christian requires repentance from sin, faith in Jesus as personal Lord and Saviour and receipt of the Holy Spirit. We believe that the death and resurrection of Jesus are the ultimate expressions of God’s love and the only basis for our inclusion into his family. We believe that wherever faith in Jesus is genuine it results in actions which change individual lives and bring restoration, healing and wholeness to families and communities.